Saturday, July 25, 2009

31 Weeks!

Can't believe that she is so close to being here. Just when I think I can't get any bigger I do. Just think....she and I still have 9 or so weeks of growing to do. We go on the 29th to do another sonogram to see how much she weighs! I hope we get some good pictures.

30 Weeks!

Here we are at 30 weeks (10 weeks to go). This was taken on our last trip before the baby comes. We are at the Dominion Country Club in San Antonio. It was a great weekend! We can't wait until we get to share these fun trips with our little one!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nursery Decor

Even the dogs like spending time in the babies room. As decor, we framed the dress worn by my mother and me at our Christenings along with the socks and booties. I also included a book given to me on my first birthday by my godmother, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. I think it will hang above the glider when it comes in.

7 Months! (28 weeks)

I can't wait for her to come. As you can see she is growing and growing and growing.