Monday, August 31, 2009

9 Months (36 Weeks)!

What a fun day! We went over to Montie's backyard with the dogs and she was nice enough to take pictures of the family B.E.(Before Elodie). Ryan and I have not had any pictures taken of the two of us since we got pregnant. We were running out of time to get some...I am glad we finally did! The dogs cooperated....that made it alot easier to get some good pictures of them. We can't wait to do this again when Elodie is here. Thank you so much for the family pictures Montie!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

35 Weeks!

Stick a fork in me... i'm done!

Updated Nursery

The nursery is still not quite ready. Not sure what I want to do over the crib yet. That is why I have paper cut's not permanent. Still waiting on the chair to come in. It should be here tomorrow!!! Can't wait. Now my only fear is I won't like it once it is in the room.

Thank You Odessa Country Club!

Thanks to everyone at Odessa Country Club for the wonderful basket of gifts for Elodie. It will all come in handy and everything was so cute!

Ryan & Pops Putting Together Elodie's Gifts!

Ryan and Pops had a busy day putting together all of Elodie's wonderful gifts. We just thought it would be easier to get it all done in one day instead of dragging it out. It makes her soon arrival seem a little more real.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

34 Weeks

6 More weeks to go! She is getting so big it is getting more and more uncomfortable by the day. I am ready for her to be here but I am terrified at the same time. I know I will miss her being in my tummy but Ryan and I are looking forward to meeting Elodie.

Baby Shower!

Wow! What an amazing shower. I had so much fun and the everything was beautiful. Thanks again to all the hostesses that helped make it a perfect day. Also, Thanks to all those who helped us get started with all the cute things we needed and wanted before Elodie's arrival. My family was in town for the event which made it that much more special. Ryan was shocked at all the wonderful gifts that were given. We had a lot of fun going through them together.

Friday, August 14, 2009

33 Weeks!

Can't believe she will be here in 7 or so weeks! We are getting so excited. It is crunch time to get everything we need and to get everything ready. It as been a fun 8 months...can't wait to see what the future brings. She is very active in my tummy. She gets the hiccups at least four times a day everyday. Dr. Fanous says she has chubby checks and great leg muscles. It was neat to see them on the sonogram. Can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy 99th Birthday Nana!!!

What a great day! Phyllis made a great birthday dinner for Nana that we all enjoyed! Wish i had a picture of the cake. It was delicious. We hope you had as much fun as we did Nana! We can't wait until next year to celebrate her 100th!

8 Months Today! (32 weeks)

32 weeks pregnant!!! Dr. Fanous says Elodie weighs approximately 4.5 pounds...a little big. We will do a sonogram at 37 weeks to see how big she is and make a decision as to what is the best option at the time. I thought for sure that she would come after my due date....the thought of her coming 2 weeks earlier is a bit scary although she is welcome anytime she is ready! Speaking of ready...we are still working on the nursery. It is not quite ready yet. I think we have finally decided what we want to do we just need to get in gear and do it.