Saturday, November 28, 2009

Elodie's First Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Ryan, Elodie and I had the best time hosting Thanksgiving this year. Thank you to all of those who contributed to making it a success. We had great food and lots of family to enjoy. We were so busy we did not get very many picture taken...we did the best we could. Elodie slept alot during the weekend....think she is going through a growth spurt. She is getting so very big!!! Thanks to all the family that traveled to see us. We love you and miss you already and we terribly miss those who were not able to make it to Odessa this year.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Elodie 2 Months Old

Montie came over and took over a hundred and fifty pictures of Elodie...all of them were my favorite so it was really hard to choose which ones to share. Here are 30 or so that I thought you all might enjoy. I think she looks more and more like here mamma's baby pictures everyday! The pictures were taken on the same day she got her 2 month vaccination shots... worse for me than her I am sure. Can't wait to share her first Thanksgiving photos with you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Elodie 8 Weeks!

Time flies when your having fun. Elodie is getting bigger and has more of a personality everyday. She goes in for her shots on the 18th. I am nervous and will probably be more hurt than she will be from getting them. Hope you all enjoy the pictures and video.