Saturday, February 27, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect!

Elodie has been practicing for the Easter Bunny!I think she will be ready by April. She has fun dumping the eggs out of the basket...didn't have the heart to tell her that she is suppose to put them in the basket. We got some snow the other day! Elodie loved it She giggled when the wind blew the snow flakes in her face. She can stand up and sit on her own really good now. Still have to be attentive because every once in awhile she'll tumble over. She is still not thrilled about tummy time but she is getting better at it as she is stronger and able to push herself up better. She is such a mama's girl right now...I am enjoying it while it lasts! Eating big girl food is great. Elodie is used to it and can eat like a champ...the cereal is no longer coming back out (well....very little comes back out). Her Baptism is going to be March 13th (AAAHHHH she will be six months!) We are looking forward to all the family coming back to town!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Laughing All the Way!

Another fun week with Elodie! We just can't believe how fast she is growing. She did the best thing the other day (February 9th, 2010 at 7:30pm to be exact) she reach for me to pick her up! It was the sweetest thing! It just melted my heart. I feel like she will be asking for the car keys any day now! She is so cute when she laughs. She laughs at the dogs all the time. She loves them. She likes to watch them eat and she gets excited when they follow us while we are walking through the house. Hope you enjoy the great videos....this was the first time she laughed like this!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Yummy Meal!

Hope you enjoy the video! Elodie seems to be getting the hang of eating.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Elodie & Connor

Elodie had fun with Connor the other night. Ryan and I had fun watching the two of them interact. It is hard to believe they are five months apart. Enjoy the video!