Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No Pictures!

I have been terrible these past two weeks. I have not taken very many pictures. To be honest it is getting really hard. When Elodie sees the camera all she wants to do is play with it or she gets camera shy. She is so much fun! We went to a friends wedding party the other night and Elodie literally danced for an hour straight! What one year old dances for an hour straight? Anytime she hears music...she dances. She really likes watching dancing with the stars with mama. She dances to the music and claps when the dance it over. So cute! Ask her to clap her hands and stomp her feet...she will do it! Some of her new words include...tractor, apple, tools, school, shoes, socks, daddy, scarecrow, yes, no (with appropriate head gestures), and last but definately not least MAMA!!!!(finally!). Oh yeah...she can also count to three! Well, i have to say one and then she says TWO. On her birthday i asked her how old she was today and she said TWO. Elodie's favorite thing to do is play hide and go seek. She will hide for 10 mintues and not move or make a sound. It's hillarious. She will hide behind anything. She usually hides behind her crib but she will hide behind anything. lately she has been hiding behind her blanket her clothes and her sippy cup. Yup! Her sippy cup! Oh yeah and she can whistle! Not very good...but she can whistle. Today I sang to her la la la la la la la and she sang back ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya. Fun! Elodie and I leave for Michigan in two weeks! We can't wait! Please pray for me! Elodie on a three hour flight with only her mama to keep her company...I'll let ya know how that turns out!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Elodie!

We can't believe is been a year! I know many of you are anxiously waiting to see pictures of Elodie's 1st Birthday party so I am staying up late to get some pictures to you. i will downlaod videos tomorrow. We had a great time except me accidently hitting elodie in the head during her happy birthday song. It really ruined the moment. She was crying and did not want to eat her cupcake. Sorry Elodie! I love you!