Thursday, October 28, 2010

E, T, D, Five, & Hot !

Just a little reminder, Elodie is only 13 months old. I can't believe we are already learning letters and what words start with those letters. When you ask Elodie to bring you certain letters she brings you the correct ones. It is so fun watching her learn and she gets so excited while learning. She knows E, L, O D, I, T, C, and She can show you how many five is with her hand. Tomorrow she will be reading War in Peace!

Friday, October 22, 2010

To Grandmother's House We Went! are not pictures and videos from our trip to Michigan. When we got home I immediately dumped my pictures into my computer because my camera memeory was full and a day later my computer got a virus!!!! It won't let me do anything without the annoying pop ups that never end. So, I am on Ryan's computer and these are pictures and videos I have taken since we've been home. I hope to get the pictures from the trip uploaded soon.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Elodie Loves to Be Outside!!!!

Where's Elodie?

Say Cheese!
Waiting for Daddy to come home!

Goodness gracious! Elodie just loves to be outside. That is all we have done for the last two days. It was pretty cold here today but she doesn't care. She needs to learn to wear a coat though. It has been hard enough to get her to wear a shirt with sleeves. She hates sleeves! We put a jacket sweater thing on her this afternoon and she would have thought you hurt her feelings somehow because it was such a sad pitiful cry but it was just because she did not want to wear a jacket. She tries to pull the sleeves off. It's actually quite funny.