Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Elodie's 14 Months!

Oh what fun! Elodie is doing so great! Her new thing is saying more and doing the corresponding sign language. It is so cute the way she says it "Moe" "Moe" "Moe". Her other new words are..Nina, Pa Pa (grandma phyllis and grandpa mike), Sure, freezer, Potato (tatoe), MAMMA!, Jesus "g", CC (that's what we call our dog candy), cracker "quacker", out, home, park, sure, hi, bye-bye, HOT!, yellow "yawoo", purple (she always said purple but now it's clear as day), blue, knee!, Eye, nose, teeth (she points to all face parts and says them), Shoes and socks!, toes, boy, girl, Diaper, oh and last but not least TeeTee and PooPoo! I am sure I am f orgetting some. I just can't believe how much she is learning and how fast she learns it.

She knows how many two is. she counts things and tells you how many...two or three usually, "Elodie how many knees do you have.....TWO". "Elodie how many doggies do you have...THREE!" At the park the other day I asked her how many birds there were on the ground and she looked and answered correctly "two".

Elodie has a book that has pictures of kids doing different things...hugging, laughing, crying etc and she will point to the correct picture when you ask her to point to a particular one. Elodie's Chrismas trees are up in her room already and everytime we enter her room she has to say hi to her Christmas trees and baby Jesus in her nativity and when she leaves the room she has to say bye bye to the Christmas trees and give baby Jesus a kiss. It's so sweet!

Elodie has been doing great in Mother's Day Out. She does not cry anymore and she gets exciting and claps her hands when we talk about "school". Oh yeah she can say school too! She loves to watch and dance to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney. She loves to do the hotdog dance. She used to just bend her knees to dance but now she moves her hips and swings her arms...sometimes she even twirls. Don't know where she learned that! No really....I don't know where she learned that!

Teeth! Teeth! And moe Teeth! Seven teeth are in and we are working on number eight. Four on top and four on the bottom. Her hair is getting long and is still curly. I love putting her hair in pigtails. Too cute. Well, I guess I'll hush for now. Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Elodie had a great second Halloween. She got to spend time with her cousin Henry. They were so cute. She did not go trick or treating but we did stop by a Halloween Carnival. We just walked around to say we did...Elodie is still too young for all the hoopla. She carved pumpkins for the first time. We ment to do it last year but last year I was still recovering from my surgery on my neck and was too miserable! I was actually miserable this year too. Elodie and I both had sinus infections. Ohwell maybe it will be a new Halloween tradition....misery on Halloween!