Friday, January 21, 2011

Elodie's 16 Months Old!

Snack in the Pantry. Ignore the mess!


New Furniture. We love it! Hello Office...goodbye dinning room!
Elodie loves cleaning the floors. More!? More!? More!?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hi there! It's been crazy in the George household. Elodie is bigger and so active! She's great! This age is so much fun. Elodie can help me around the house and she does! We do laundry together..dishes..mopping..she even gets me a towel when I get out of the shower! I didn't even have to ask her to. I guess she just knows that I bring her one after her showers with daddy so she returns the favor. As you can see in the last pictures she is learning how to put on make-up! She gets into everything when I am trying to get ready...she is right in from of me but into EVERYTHING! Elodie is Doing great in school! She talks all day long to her teachers and never cries. She says her teachers names ALL day long! It really is cute and I am so happy that she enjoys her time there. The hot dog dance is still her favorite song to dance to. We listen to it 30 times a joke! It is getting harder and harder to sit down and teach her new things. She is so independent. She knows what she wants and when she wants it. One minute it's this and the next minute it's that. Oh what fun it is to ride on the 15 month old's train!