Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soooooooo Big!

I need to start writing again at least to document all that Elodie has accomplished to this point. Where do I begin? For a few months now she has been able to count to twenty. It is really quite something to hear. Today she sang the entire lyrics to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and she can recite the alphabet. She is talking in some sentences and is really good at the word NO. She even talks in her sleep and it is always....no, no, no ,no no! So cute and disturbing at the same time. Elodie still loves going to school and can tell you all of her teachers and classmates names. There are six other kids in her class and two teachers and she talks about all of them and can recite their names and point to the correct kid. She is still infatuated with Mickey Mouse and Friends! She feeds herself and for the first time yesterday put on her own pajama bottoms. Yeah Elodie! Everything is "Elodie do it!" She wants to do everything and if you try to help her before she asks for help she is not happy. We purchased a swing set with two slides a few weeks ago. I think Elodie enjoys it. She loves to swing and likes to send mickey and minni down the slides. Elodie is going to be in her first wedding in two weeks. We are very excited to welcome our new sister in law and aunt Krista into the family. Elodies favorite food of the months would have to be waffles! Everytime she is hungry....elodie what would you like to eat? "Wassles" and she still loves her smoothies or shoud I say mooseies! It used to be mooies but she has recently added an s in the middle. She is very polite and in most cases adds please and thank you to most requests and responses. The cutests is when she says i love you mama or love you too mama! She always adds your name at the end of everything. Thank you mama. Please mama. Bless you Mama. Excuse you mama. Well, i guess thats enough for now. I'll try to write more often!


Kerrville Trip!

First Popsicle!

Grandpa Ralph & Elodie's Hands