Friday, December 28, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hairy Situation!

Well... I was waiting until I was ready to cut Elodies' hair but obviously she had other plans!  She told me she did not want her braids anymore but instead of asking me to take them out she took matters into her own hands....with the scissors.  And of course my good friend Lindsey the hair master was on her way out of town when this happened.  So I am anxiously waiting for her arrival back home so that she can fix this mess.  Hurry home Lindsey!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ellison and Elodie

The girls are growing up so fast!  I cant believe Ellison is going to be three months old in a few days and Elodie acts way older than 3 sometimes.  Ellison is reaching for toys and laughing.  She is also very ticklish.  Elodie is doing fabulous in her pre school class.  She already knew how to spell her first and last name and recognize it when they started to teach them in her class she was way ahead!  she got to stand up in front of her class and spell her name out loud.  We hope to be adding more video and pictures as the holidays approach.  We cant wait to spend it with all our friends and family