Friday, February 24, 2012

New Baby George at 12 Weeks!!!

Went to the Doc today! He says everything looks great! Baby was very was crossing legs and waving to Elodie! Elodie and Ryan were both there today to see all the action. I did not know who to watch the baby or was an exciting day! We go back in 4 weeks. I guess we could find out the sex of the baby but I don't think I want to. Ryan does and I don't so we will see. Off to New Orleans for the weekend!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Elodie's First Year

New Baby George at 9 Weeks has been awhile since my last post. Still not feeling well and I have not taken any pictures of ....well anything since Christmas. Shocking I know! Just not feeling good at all. The doctor almost put me the hospital because I was super dehydrated. Everyday is still a struggle but the medicine they gave me helps some. Dr. says New Baby George looks great and heart beat sounds great. Next appointment is February 24th.