Friday, March 23, 2012

16 Weeks!

Both hands are raised above the head
Body profile
Straight on look at face and tummy...See anything between the legs?

Just now starting to show. Now it looks as though I am pregnant instead of bloated like I have been for the last two months. New Baby George is doing great. We still have to call the baby "New Baby George" because we could not find out the gender this week. He or She was not cooperating like Elodie did at 16 weeks. So.....we will go back in two weeks and try again.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dressing March 2012

Lions & Tigers & Bears Oh My!

Adalyn's Shower - Elodie March 2012

Daddy Day at the Park!

Elodie and Ryan and I had a wonderful day with Elodie at the park. It is always more fun when you have help at the park and then I get to take pictures. Elodie talks like she is a 10 year old in a 2 and a half year old body. When she was climbing on the legs of the octopus at the park she said..."this is difficult!" It was so cute.
Elodie is very excited about her new brother or sister. She says she has a baby girl in her tummy and I have a baby boy. My two sister in laws are pregnant and Elodie correctly predicted the sex of their babies so....we will see! we are hoping to find out at our next appointment in two weeks. Oh my gosh two weeks that's crazy! I originally did not want to find out but i think it will be a good bonding experience for us and especially Elodie to know what the baby will be. Then we can have a name picked out and Elodie will be prepared. We tell her she is getting a "real" baby for her birthday and she reminds us everyday!
I can't even to begin to write all the funny and intellectual things she says. Everyday she amazes us with her knowledge and wit. I have gotten the video camera out a few times in the past few days but every time I get it out all she wants to do is look at herself and then she gets mute. We are going on a family vacation to the San Antonio Zoo this weekend so hopefully we will get some great footage of her.