Saturday, February 2, 2013

Elodie and Ellison January 2013

So Sweet!

I have not written much lately but I have been really busy!  Ellison is growing...although not as fast as Elodie at this age (Ellison is in the low 12th percentile on height). She is 5 months now.   She is also doing well eating her oatmeal and rice cereal.  Don't think she likes it much.  After our trip to San Diego next weekend we will try peas! Ellison is standing assisted and has been sitting up on her own for a month now.  The other day in her whale bath tub, Ellison stood up on her own from a sitting position...four times.  It really was amazing. I wish I had gotten it on video.  It was the one time I did not have my phone to record it.  Elodie is doing great!  She loves her sister so much.  She is learning to write her name.  one of her best writings is pictured at the top. We are so proud of her.  She loves school and is learning a lot.  We can't believe she is going to be four this year.