Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Foot in Mouth Disease

Today, Elodie came down with foot in mouth disease!

Oh What Fun!

More fun times with Elodie. We love her more and more each day. She is still sleeping at night and smiling all day even though she is still really congested. She will start day care for a couple of days next week. Hope it goes well!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

4 Months - 1st Week

Since Elodie's Dr. is ready for her to start eating cereal and I am not ready for her to for another couple of weeks yet...we have been "practicing". She sits in her high chair, I put on a bib and I spoon feed her a spoonful or two of water. She is not quite sold on the water...she just spits it out. I am hoping that when we do finally start the cereal she will love it and just be relieved it is not water. We will see if my weird ways of thinking actually work. She loves sitting in her high chair. I only have her sit in it for a few minutes. I take her out before she gets bored and only try my little experiment at times she is not hungry or tired. She spent some time with her Uncle Phil and Aunt Krista this week. I think Phil is getting more comfortable holding her! I love the pictures!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Elodie's 4 Months!!!

Wow...lots of pictures, I know! I guess I get a bit carried away. She had her four month shots today. Not as bad as last time but still not fun. Her Dr. wants us to start her on cereal...I think I want to wait a couple more weeks. I cried in the Dr.'s office because her starting solids means she is getting to be a big girl. She is still sleeping all night. She ROLLED OVER for the first this weekend. Elodie can also stand up by herself while holding on to something...only for 10 to 15 seconds at a time but I still think it's amazing! Her Dr. said she is above average on weight and above average on height...who would have thought! We should be adding her official four month pictures soon.