Monday, May 24, 2010

Crawling & Cruizin & Climbing

Another amazing week for Elodie. She is officailly crawling. Everywhere. Her first real experience crawling to something other than me was caught on camera. First she tried crawling to Lucky but he ran away before she could reach him. Elodie then crawled to Candy who quickly followed lucky's lead and fled before Elodie could reach her. So then I got my camera as Elodie crawled to find Joey. Pretty cute. I guess I really need to make sure my floors are really clean now!!! Hope you enjoy the video. OH YEAH! She walked ten steps on her own today. It was really exciting. We are so proud of her.

Friday, May 21, 2010


WOW! What a week! In the last ten days Elodie turned eight months two teeth...we had to lower her crib so she would not climb or fall out...we upgraded her carseat to a big girl car seat, still rear facing....and she is crawling around the house like a champ. She even starts walking knowing she is going to fall and then starts crawling to get to where she want to go. Sooo cute! Elodie's an eight month old baby wearing 12-18 month clothing. She is very coordinated and has great balance. She likes climing on things and trying to jump and roll off the couch. She is a dare devil. She likes running real fast and rolling off of the porch in her walker. When she gets on the grass she just sits there and smiles and laughs. I need to get it on video. Elodie loves being outside. When I try to bring her inside she runs away from me in her walker. She loves that thing! She also loves ice...just say the word and she goes OOOOOHHHHHHH with those lips puckered. She is also getting better at drinking from a cup. Still spills here and there but its getting better.