Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Head Banging!!!

Elodie has an uuuhhooohhhhh just about everyday. She bangs her head, her eye, her mouth, and or falls down on something everyday. You can see some of the worse ones in the photos. Today she fell and bit her tongue and was bleeding in her mouth. I wondered what happened at first because I watched her fall and did not see her hit anything but her bottom but yet she was screaming...but after further inspection I saw the blood in her mouth. I bet that did hurt! She is crawling all over and getting into everything! The worst of it is, she wants to feed herself!!! She won't let us put the spoon in her mouth she just shuts her lips and grabs the spoon and glares at you. She is getting so independent. I guess that's a good thing but it does mean more for mom and dad to clean up. She still loves walking. Still only averaging ten steps on her own. She loves swimming at the pool. Jumping in is fun! Her daddy taught her she can play with the ice in our ice water cups!!!!!! Most of the time she would rather do that than swim. She LLOOVVEESS ice! Just say the word and you will see the biggest two toothed smile you've ever seen. She likes the sound it makes when she shakes it in the cup.

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