Friday, July 9, 2010

Mmm Mmm Good!

I can't believe how fast time has flown. Next week Elodie will be 10 Months Old! She walks more talks more and gets cuter everyday (I think so anyway). We are weening her off the bottle. So far so good. She likes the independence of drinking out of her own cup. She can drink out of a regular cup but she likes to play with it more than she drinks out of it so we are sticking with the sippy for milk and a cup for water. Words she can say...... SHIRT (sounds like dirt), PURPLE (sounds like durdle), TURTLE (sounds like turtle!), DOGGIE (sounds like doodoo...yup...doodoo!), TWO (sounds like two!), DADA (sound like...dada), BATH TUB (sounds like dad-ta), DUCK (sound like duh), and last but not least, ask Elodie what we say when we eat and she will say..."Mmmmmmm"!

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