Sunday, May 15, 2011

Changing Times!

Bye Bye Baby Bed!

Crazy Hair!


Hi there! Elodie is now in a big girl bed (she calls it her biggie bed) We said bye bye to the baby bed and welcomed the big girl bed. Elodie loves it. It has been there over two weeks but every time we go into her room she says "Elodie's biggie bed!" I have included pictures at the very top of the page what her room looked like before all the new changes I hope to attach updated pictures soon but her room is still a work in changes daily. We currently have a twin bed in her room but we think we are going to upgrade her to a full pretty soon. The bedding I ordered is for a queen mattress because that is the smallest size it came in. I will upload pictures of it soon. Elodie talks in complete sentences now. Wow! She counts to twenty in English and counts to ten in Spanish. She loves reading Dora the Explorer so I have taken this opportunity to teach her my limited vocabulary of Spanish, French and German. Bonjour! It is so much fun! Hola Dora! We are also learning about different foreign landmarks. She Knows and says "Eiffel Tower" and "The Great Wall of China". Yesterday when we were driving to do our recycling Elodie said "turn around mama......turn around and go home please mama....go home to see the dogs!" She does not just ask for Raspberries but asks for "rasburries in a bowl"..."make a smoothie for Elodie please mama". I guess you get the idea. I just cant believe how such a little person can be so verbal. It is a lot of fun but she is also becoming very independent. She will tell you what she wants and what she doesn't want. This is her last week of school and I know she will be sad. SHe loves her friends and teachers. In less than I month Mackenzy will officially be living with us! We can't wait! These really are changing times!

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