Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Beginnings

We are so very excited to welcome Mackenzy into our crazy, but hopefully she thinks fun, immediate family. She is my niece so naturally she is already family but now she gets to see just how crazy and irritable we can really be! We love you Mackenzy and we can't wait to enjoy life together.

We will update our pictures once we can get one with Ryan in it!!!! Get ready to hear all about our crazy lives!

Grandma Deb is coming today! Yeah! Yesterday at about 5pm she was evacuated from her home in Southeastern AZ due to wildfires. So far her home is still standing but as of last reports 24 homes have been destroyed. Our hearts and prayers go out to those families. So, she will spend a bit of time with us! Can't Wait to see you Grandma Deb. Elodie and Mackenzy are so excited! Ryan and I are too!

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