Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dress Up and Play Time!

She Loves Shoes!

Introducing Chef's Mackenzy & Danielle!

Mmmmmmmmmm Gooooooood!
We just found out that Kenzy is half Flamingo!

One Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed!!!

Hi all! We had a great few weeks! Kenzy started to feel better and she invited her sweet friend Danielle from San Angelo to spend the week with us. The girls had a blast. Swimming at the country club...cruising the mall....bowling...and all the singing and dancing teenage girls can handle. We miss Danielle and hope to see her again soon. Elodie loved having Danielle here also. She would knock on the girls doors and say "knock knock! Girls....Let's go girls. It's time to go!" Sooooo sweet!

Elodie's last day of summer school is Friday the 22nd of July. I am sad for her because she loves it. She say's to me all the time.... "Mama! Remember I go to school on Fridays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays!" She only really goes on Fridays and Mondays but it just goes to show that she cares enough about it to remind me!

Elodie spells her name, knows her days of the week, and can sing you just about any childrens song and nursery rhyme. Her favorites are Twinkle twinkle little star and Wee Willie Winkie! It's so cute. Yesterday when she came home from school Elodie told me she got to "pet" a baby today at school and that she was wearing a dress! She also asked me if we could go to the store and buy more money!!! Kenzy was eating an enormous sandwich the other day and elodie was watching her. She turned to me and said "Mama, Kenzy looks like an alligator!" All because she was chomping on her sandwich.

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