Sunday, March 14, 2010

Elodie's Baptism

Elodie's God Parents (God Family)
Joey, Brooke & Camille

What a day! Elodie had a great Baptism. It was a small quiet family event. She slept half way through the ceremony. She woke up when the water was washed over her head (wouldn't you) From then on she was great! Her beautiful dress was entirely hand made by our dearest family friend Montie. She is the one who takes Elodies monthly pictures. Montie is so very talented and we love her! Elodie's dress was gorgeous! She posed for pictures that her Aunt Krista took. She was a ham! Thank you to her God Family...Joey, Brooke and Camille for making the trip down for the ceremony. It really meant alot to our family that you could make they trip. Camille is precious! Elodie had fun playing with her family and friends. The events of the day tired her out....she was alseep in Grandmas lap at 9:30pm (early for Elodie!). She slept all night without a bottle before bed!

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