Friday, March 5, 2010

Elodie 5 Months

Five Months Old! WOW! She gets more amazing every day. It is fun watching her learn and become more aware of what goes on around her. She loves playing with her cousins Connor and Mykul. She can spot another child from across the room anywhere we go. She will see them before we do...and once she does she does not take her eyes off of them. Elodie gets excited then frustrated because she wants to play with them. She LOVES her dogs. Her favorite thing to do is watch them. Watch them them follow us when we them drink them eat food...she just loves to watch them period. She is sitting up unassisted as you can see in the pictures. We are still working on tummy time but she is getting closer to crawling more than we thought she would at this stage. She can lay on her tummy and twist around to get a toy. One more week until her Baptism. Can't wait for all the family to arrive.

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