Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Elodie's 7 Months Old (young)!

Elodie turned 7 months on April 17th...I still can't believe it! Let's see so much is happening. I am sure I mentioned that on April 1st little "e" stood up for the first time by herself. She is still trying to crawl...she has the leg movement down but does not know what to do with her arms. She waved "Bye Bye" for the first time to Krista (Aunt Tita). It was so cute. It's not a true "waive" but she holds out her hand and moves her fingers (what we would do if we were saying gimme gimme). She knows how to kiss...well it's more of an open mouth kind of thing but at least she knows what a kiss is. It is fun asking her for a kiss and she opens her mouth to give you one. Elodie thinks its funny. She also knows how to turn off and on light swtiches (shes been doing that for a couple of months now but its still exciting everytime she does it!). Elodie has also discovered those annoying things that we put on her head called hats and that they can come off. She pulled her hat off on the first try...as demonstrated in the above pictures. I hate that she learned that but I am so glad I got pictures of it. Last but not least...TODAY...I layed Elodie on her back to change her diaper, then she rolled herself onto her tummy, got on all fours and the next thing I know SHE IS SITTING ON HER BUTT! I totally missed it because i was looking the other way but she learned how to sit up all by herself! She has grown and learned leaps and bounds. Oh yeah...she is very good at walking while only holding on to one of your hands. She runs if you hold both of her hands! P.S. all of these pictures were taken on the same day...typical wardrobe changes for a single day (not by choice)!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

One More Week as a 6 Month Old!

She's almost crawling!!! Elodie pulls herself onto everything. Playtime consists of her pulling up on me and wanting me to help her walk...everywhere. It is very tiring. She does not sit for more than a few minutes at a time. She eats just about everything I give her. Her favorite is a banana and Cantelope smoothie. Elodie also likes avocado and banana mixed (yuk). She does not like peas or apples...apples, who doesn't like apples? It has been fun watching her try new foods. Every meal time she gives me a look of doubt just before she barely lets me put the spoon in her mouth to taste what I'm about to give her...it's cute! Pretty soon we will move towards meats!