Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter everyone. We had a great week! Elodie had two Easter Dresses. The blue one she wore to the Easter Carnival at the Country Club and the flower one she wore to church on Easter Sunday. She did not know what to do with the Easter eggs during the hunt but we still think she had a great time. She did not cry when she took her picture with the Easter Bunny but we think it was because she was sitting with her cousin Connor. That picture is not posted. I will post as soon as we get it. We dyed Easter eggs Saturday night. Elodie watched from her highchair...Ryan and I had all the fun! We had Easter Dinner at Jay & Courtney's house. It was so fun. The kids played and the food was great. Hope everyones Easter was as fun as ours. Elodie crawled for the first time today...well it was mostly a scoot but a scoot on her hands and knees. Ryan and I give her one more week and we think she will be crawling! Everyday she changes. Her personality changes on a daily basis for sure. She ignores you of she is too busy playing and she just laughs at the most insignificant things. Elodie is such a great baby. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

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