Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Wow! She is growing. Sorry it has been so long since we posted pictures. Our desktop is being fixed. Ryan got my laptop internet working so we're back in business. Elodie has grown alot in three weeks. She is so fun. She understands everything you say. because she is walking...all the time...she has had a few bumps, bruises, and black eyes. She likes to multitask! Walk and drink, walk and hold her blanket over her head so she can't see, walk and play with mama's cell phone...
She loves her Doggies and saying "Thank You!". Elodie's favorite toy is her baby doll and stroller. It's so cute to see her push it around the house. As you can see in the pictures, Elodie is getting into and climbing onto everything...don't worry, I am always right there to catch her WHEN she jumps. I usually help her climb. It's a lot more fun than running around the house telling her "We don't do that Elodie" over and over and over again!

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