Thursday, August 26, 2010

Three More Weeks Until She's "1"

Elodie's middle toe on her right foot is smaller than
her other toes!

Elodie the mechanic!

Hi there! We are counting down the days until Elodie is "1". It is definately bitter sweet. Elodie is doing everything but reading and writing. She can play soccer...she enjoys kicking the ball. She can say "circle", "two", "banana" and the newest word she can say is "shoe". If you say one she'll say "two"! She runs more than she walks. Elodie loves to get everything out of the cupboards but she puts it all away and closes the doors. Usually she takes something off a shelf walks around with it and then puts it back the way she found it the best she can...or brings it to mama. It is so cute! Her latest thing she taught herself is how to spin. We put her in her pack and play and she spins around two or three times and then tries to walk but falls because she is so dizzy and then's hillarious! We keep talking to her about her upcoming vacation to the beach. We even got one of her baby einstein movies that talks about the ocean hoping to prepare her. We can't wait!

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